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*Formerly known as Rondo of a Possible World, 2011-2014*

Storybook Slayers was established June 2014 by Courtney Ann as the owner and creator of the Young Adult Literature book blog. Eirini, co-blogger, had joined up with Courtney during the end of their sophomore year at college and officially joined the blog, along with collaborating in the naming, in May/June 2014. Courtney and Eirini had met each other the first semester of their sophomore year by the products of serendipity and have failed to talk about anything but books and their English major since then. Now, after a few days of construction on the blog and Courtney almost going insane between working on the graphic design but also tweaking with html coding which she knows little to absolutely nothing about. It was a journey, but thankfully a prosperous one because Storybook Slayers is finally up and running.

To know more about Courtney and Eirini, please turn to their about pages located in the drop down menu: About.